Tag Archives: dedication

Centennial Dedication and Ceremony


St. John’s Medical Center celebrated the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the first St. John’s Hospital with “Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Future,” a ceremony featuring the sealing of an anniversary time capsule, remarks by Wyoming Governor Matt Mead, and introduction of new medical center CEO Paul Beaupré, MD. Outgoing CEO Lou Hochheiser received a standing ovation for his 4 years of service and was presented with a photographed signed by Board of Trustee members.

The ceremony was held under a white tent at St. John’s Medical Center on September 9, 2016, with refreshments, a display of the contents of the time capsule, and music by the Minor Keys, who played music popular in the early part of the 20th century. Winners of the Youth Essay Contest were honored on stage before the time capsule was sealed.